Thursday, June 18, 2009

my school life! gotong royong =)

i took it when my english teacher was busy marking paper. =)
hahaha! my school life =)
my crazy CLASSMATES!
gotong-royong time =)
curi2 tangkap gambar =)
SY,banana,susu,amalina =)
SY, my class monitor Huda, adila, amalina,susu
change pose already =)
aduiii =) what pose is this? lols.

today i were so happy!
i and my friends took photo in class .
as usual, we laughed , we joked around!
laughed like nobody business!
hehe .
i will miss my school life after graduated .
i will miss my friends .
i will miss my teachers .
good nightss~


  1. u damn different from usual in your school uniform..haha

  2. of course i'm different. so what's ur comment about my look? lol.

  3. loll... tok bout attire ... =.=
